Mr. Sollie Mitchell served as the special guest speaker and also celebrated his 100th birthday today. Mitchell is a World War II Veteran and Civil Rights Icon with a 35 year career in the railroad industry. One of his most notable accomplishments was being the only Pullman car porter on the 1963 Freedom Train that took passengers from Jacksonville, Florida to the 1963 march on Washington.
Mitchell shared advice on what led him to success and longevity by saying “Treat everyone with respect and develop friendships with your customers.” After an inspiring message from Mr. Mitchell, the chapter celebrated with him and presented a birthday cake.
Other special guests included, former Florida Senator Tony Hill, who is a long time COMTO supporter and Marsha Phelts who is the author of Sollie’s book entitled “Sollie Mitchell’s 1st 100 years: A Memoir”. Senator Hill presented COMTO Jacksonville President, Chris Macklin with a signed copy of the book.
We sincerely thank Mr. Mitchell, Senator Hill, Mrs. Phelts, visitors and the COMTO Jacksonville members for making this meeting unforgettable and uplifting.