The members have voted and these individuals have been elected to the Executive Board of COMTO Jacksonville for 2022-2024.
Please welcome them as the baton is passed from past leadership to their capable hands.
This group is excited to serve the COMTO Jacksonville members and Jacksonville community in spreading the good news about COMTO.
Elected: President
Donovan H. Calicker
Transportation Superintendent, Transit Operations
Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA)
“As transportation professionals, our focus is to move individuals and commerce in a safe and timely manner. At COMTO Jacksonville, the focus should be to move our members to areas of opportunity and success, safely and timely…
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (423) 255-8025
Elected: 1st Vice President
Greer Gillis
Senior Vice President, System Development and Capital Programs
Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA)
“Here in Jacksonville, we are on the cusp on bringing sustainable and innovative mobility solutions to our customers, and leading the nation in doing so. Thus, I look to serve on the COMTO Board to do three things: (1) expand our efforts to bring innovative, sustainable, and carbon neutral mobility solutions to NE Florida; (2) increase our membership by inviting government, nonprofit, private sector, and academia to become engaged in our chapter; and (3) and provide institutional and insightful guidance to our chapter board…”
Elected: 2nd Vice President
Tsopie Trottie
Investigation & Response Coordinator, Customer Engagement
Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA)
“My goal is to increase membership interaction by assembling multifaceted roundtable discussions and events, which will allow members and supreme officials to collaborate on the future of modernization projects. My passion to springboard this local chapter towards excellence and distinction will hopefully continue our urge to guide our youth and surpass our chapter’s own expectations to raise the bar successfully on local and national levels.”
Elected: Secretary
Jeremy Norsworthy
Transportation Planner III, Planning & System Development
Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA)
“Through COMTO’s education and outreach efforts, I will strive to create a more inclusive environment within the planning sector of transportation and land use planning that advances equity and inclusion within the transportation industry. Educating the public on the fact that transportation-planning decisions have large and diverse equity impacts on their community and way of life is critical in developing the built environment and transportation services that fully meets the needs of minority communities….I will strive to farther advance this effort of inclusion and equity both locally and regionally.”
Elected: Treasurer
Ida O. Blaylock
Revenue Supervisor, Customer Engagement
Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA)
“I will also work diligently to ensure funding is secured so COMTO Jacksonville can continue to provide scholarships for deserving students in the Jacksonville area. I will continue to work supporting the COMTO Jax Board, members and represent our chapter as a member of the prestigious National Industry Awards Committee.”
See other photos from the meet & greet event with the new executive board.